Gustav and Ingrid Klipping Award


The International Cryogenic Engineering Committee awards a young researcher for outstanding work in cryogenic engineering. The award is named after Gustav and Ingrid Klipping to commemorate their enormous contributions to the field of cryogenics and more specifically to recognize their active role in involving young researchers. The award will be given on the occasion of the International Cryogenic Engineering Conference, which is held every two years. The next Conference will be in Hangzhou, China, 25 – 29 April, 2022. The candidate shall be 35 years old or younger on 25 April 2022.


The awardee will receive a certificate and a check of 1000 CHF, plus a waiver of the registration fee of the ICEC conference at which the prize is to be awarded. The prize will only be awarded if the winner attends the conference and at the conference presents a paper on his or her recent research.


The candidate must be nominated by a person who is active in the field of cryogenic engineering. The nomination should be supported by the person who has supervised the research work for which recognition is sought. Note that the latter person may be different from the nominator and, furthermore, that the host institution where the cited work was conducted can be different from the awardee’s past or present employers.

Nominations shall be sent via email to the chairman of the ICEC, by October, 11th, 2021 at the latest.

The (electronic) nomination package should include:

  • the completed nomination form,
  • the nominee’s detailed curriculum vitae (résumé) (see details in the nomination form),
  • ID photo of a good quality and preferably in color,
  • a presentation of the candidate by the nominator, with an assessment of the candidate’s career in science and/or practice with a detailed explanation of the candidate’s achievements motivating the award,
  • in case the nominator did not supervise the work that recognition is sought for, the presentation should be supported by the supervisor of that work,
  • a copy of an official document attesting the nominee’s date of birth,
  • copies of the publications on the research work to be honored.


The nominations will be voted on by the board members of the International Cryogenic Engineering Committee. The winner will be notified by November, 30th, 2021 at the latest so that he or she can arrange to attend the 2022 conference.

Previous Recipients of the Gustav and Ingrid Klipping Award:

2014 Yonghua Huang  China
2016   Haishan Cao  China
2018 Jingyuan Xu  China
2020 Andrew May  UK